Ross School Of Business - University Of Michigan Business School

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The Stephen M. Ross School of Business (Ross) is the business school of the University of Michigan. Numerous publications have ranked the Ross School of Business' Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Executive Education programs among the top in the country and the world.

The school offers bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, as well as an executive education program.

Ross also offers dual degrees with other University of Michigan colleges and schools.

Panoramio - Photo of Ross School of Business, Kohn Pedersen Fox ...


The school was founded in 1924.

Some highlights from its recent history:

B. Joseph White became dean in 1990, and began a transformation of the School's character and image. He led a major MBA curriculum overhaul, which aimed to intensify the development of students' professional and practical skills, teamwork, leadership, and overall ability to turn knowledge and ideas into action. The signature innovation, called MAP (Multidisciplinary Action Project), puts students into "live cases" inside companies for seven weeks. MAP's "action learning" or "experiential learning" approach was the first curriculum innovation in management education since the introduction of the case method in the 1940s. It is still a hallmark of Michigan's MBA program. [1] Other initiatives, such as research on how to supplement the GMAT with a test of "practical intelligence," helped cement the school's reputation for innovations that produce business leaders who are not only smart, but highly effective. [2]. White's approach built on a historical strength of the School, which was known for producing hard-working, practically-oriented graduates. In addition, White added a focus on corporate citizenship to the MBAs' training, and moved aggressively to globalize the School. Most notably, he founded the William Davidson Institute to position Michigan as a leader on economies transitioning from communism to free markets.

Following White's changes, Michigan was ranked "most innovative" in Business Week's surveys of corporate executives and was recognized for turning out can-do graduates. In 1996, Michigan was ranked second in Business Week's prestigious business school rankings, the highest ranking the School has achieved, which the magazine attributed to the School's growing reputation for innovation [3]. As a corporate hunting ground, Michigan attracted a broader set of recruiters beyond the auto manufacturers and packaged goods companies who had been its core customers.

Under White, several of the School's hallmark programs and centers were created, including The Erb Institute for Sustainable Global Enterprise, The Joel D. Tauber Institute for Global Operations, The Zell-Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurship, the Wolverine Venture Fund, and the William Davidson Institute.

Robert J. Dolan, who was named dean in 2001, oversaw a dramatic re-building and facilities modernization initiative and worked to build the School's identity and reputation in the management education marketplace. Under Dolan, the School received one of the two-largest donations ever made to a business school. In the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program, Dolan pressed the School's distinction for turning out leaders with a practical, can-do orientation. This leveraged and accelerated a re-definition of the School's curriculum and image made by his predecessor. Dolan also made profound changes to the School's image through his ambitious rebuilding of the dated facilities he inherited, creating a showcase property, the Stephen M. Ross School of Business designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox. On Dolan's watch, the school earned the #1 ranking in the Wall Street Journal's 2006 and 2004 list of MBA programs (which are based on feedback from employers on which MBA program's students they would be most likely to rehire), #8 in The Economist, #5 in the BusinessWeek, and #11 in the U.S. News & World Report rankings in 2006 (the latter three publications' rankings are based on a variety of criteria including reputation among academics, etc.). The school's BBA program is widely regarded as one of the best in the United States, having ranked within the top three of U.S. News & World Report rankings every year since the ranking's inception. In 1980, the BBA program was ranked #2 in the US by Parade Magazine. In 2005, the school introduced a 3-year version of the previously 2-year undergraduate program; the latter has since been phased out and candidates now apply as seniors in high school or during their freshman year at university, then commence their business studies in the sophomore year of college.

During the Dolan administration, the school transformed itself further. In 2004, it was named for alumnus Stephen M. Ross who donated $100 million to the school. At the time of the donation, this was the largest gift ever to an U.S. business school, and the largest ever to the University of Michigan. The Ross gift funded a campus overhaul. The school demolished 180,000 square feet (16,000 m²) of existing building space, and has renovated or added 270,000 square feet (25,000 m²).

On February 14, 2011, it was announced that Alison Davis-Blake would become the new Dean of the Ross School of Business, succeeding Robert J. Dolan.

§Facilities and institutes

Upon its establishment in 1924, the business school was initially located in Tappan Hall. Tappan Hall is the oldest extant classroom building on campus. The original 1894 wing was designed by the Detroit firm of Spier and Rohns; the south wing by Luckenbach/ Ziegelman & Partners.

The school moved to its current site in 1948. Authorized by the Regents in July, 1945, the site was in the block surrounded by Monroe, Tappan, Hill, and Haven streets and was purchased at the time construction was begun, the building occupying approximately the north half of the block. Ten private dwellings were removed for its construction, which began in August, 1946. The business school was the first skyscraper on campus and was designed by architects Lee and Kenneth C. Black, of Lansing, Michigan.

Much of the business school is located on the University of Michigan's Central Campus adjacent to the School of Education and Law School. Its buildings are connected with each other, in some cases through skyways. With a major campus overhaul underway, the Executive Education programs are located at the Michigan Information Technology Center (MITC) near the university's Wolverine Tower office building in southern Ann Arbor.

New York City real estate developer Stephen M. Ross (BBA '62) gave a gift of $100 million to the business school, the second largest donation ever to a U.S. business school (after David Booth's $300 million donation to the University of Chicago Booth School of Business) and the largest gift to the University in its 187-year history. In recognition, the Board of Regents met in special session on September 9, 2004, to rename the school the Stephen M. Ross School of Business. In 2013, Ross announced a second gift to the school of $100 million, bringing his gifts to the school to $200 million, and his gifts to the broader university to $313 million. The second gift is being used for facilities upgrades, including high-tech classrooms, a new career services space, and additional areas for practical research; as well as student scholarships.

The Kresge Library's collection includes about 145,000 volumes and 3000 journals as well as microfilms, working papers, and company files. The school's John R. and Georgene M. Tozzi Electronic Business and Finance Center has a trading floor classroom that is linked to the New York Stock Exchange.

§The William Davidson Institute

The William Davidson Institute (WDI) is a not-for-profit, independent, research and educational institute dedicated to creating, aggregating, and disseminating intellectual capital on business and policy issues in emerging markets. It provides a forum for business leaders and public policy makers to discuss issues affecting the environment in which these companies operate.

WDI was created in 1992 when Guardian Industries Corp. made a 20-year financial commitment to establish an institute at the University of Michigan Business School and was named in honor of Guardian Industries' chairman, president and CEO William Davidson.

WDI supports international activity at the University of Michigan by funding research, hosting visiting scholars, organizing seminars and speaker series, sponsoring summer internships, and creating dynamic and current teaching materials. In the past thirteen years, more than 1,800 MBA students have participated in more than 450 international projects. WDI's publication initiative houses one of the best collections of international business and social impact teaching materials anywhere.

WDI is the only institution of higher learning in the United States that is fully dedicated to understanding and promoting actionable business and public policy approaches to addressing the challenges and opportunities in emerging market economies

§The Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise

Created in 1996 by a donation from Frederick A. Erb (BBA '47) and his wife, Barbara, the Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise is a partnership between the Stephen M. Ross School of Business and the School of Natural Resources and Environment (SNRE) to support professional education, public outreach and scientific scholarship supportive of the transition to sustainability. The core educational activity of the Institute is the MBA/MS Program, wherein students earn a Master of Business Administration from the Ross School and a Master of Science from SNRE. As of Fall 2011, Ross (Erb Institute) is the only MBA program to be listed in the top 10 of the Aspen Institute's "Beyond Grey Pinstripes" bi-annual survey of top sustainability MBA programs every year since its inception in 2001.

§The Zell Lurie Commercialization Fund

The Zell Lurie Commercialization Fund (ZLCF), formerly the Frankel Fund, is a student led "pre-seed" investment fund.

The goals of the ZLCF are to:

  • Accelerate the commercialization of research and ideas generated within the University community.
  • Create a financially self-sustainable process of research commercialization, by which successful past investments will provide the funds needed to make new ones.
  • Provide a stimulating, hands-on educational experience for students, thus reinforcing the Ross School of Business' commitment to action-based learning.
  • Build excitement within the University community about the prospects of research commercialization.

The Fund is made up of Ross MBA and Michigan PHD students ("ZLCF Fellows") selected because of their domain knowledge of the health care or technology industries and their experience and interest in early-stage company formation. ZLCF Fellows are divided into four teams, specializing in health care, clean tech, consumer, and technology investments. Additional information is available at

§The Thomas C. Jones Endowment for BBA Education

In 2005, alumnus Thomas C. Jones donated $10 million to help undergraduates to experience programs usually provided only to MBA students. The gift established the Thomas C. Jones Center for BBA Education, which aims to help students apply classroom theory, incorporate liberal arts, and teach leadership. The Jones gift is said to be the largest gift to an undergraduate business program.

§The Joel D. Tauber Institute for Global Operations

Joel D. Tauber donated $5 million in 1995 to establish the Joel D. Tauber Manufacturing Institute, which trains graduate engineering and business students in operations management. The program is run jointly with the University's College of Engineering. In 2007, the Institute was renamed to the (Joel D.) Tauber Institute for Global Operations to recognize expanded interest from non-manufacturing (service, healthcare, IT, retail) organizations. In 2012 the Institute was honored with the first UPS George D. Smith Prize from INFORMS for its effective and innovative preparation of students to be practitioners of operations research, management science or analytics.

§The Zell-Lurie Institute

The Samuel Zell & Robert H. Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies provides the curriculum, program initiatives, community involvement, and alumni outreach activities that deliver exclusive resources for future entrepreneurs of the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. In 1999, a $10 million donation from Samuel Zell and Ann Lurie on behalf of her husband Robert H. Lurie, established the Samuel Zell & Robert H. Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies at the Business School.

ZLI houses three student-led investment funds: Wolverine Venture Fund, Frankel Commercialization Fund, Social Venture Fund.

§The Wolverine Venture Fund

The Wolverine Venture Fund (WVF) is a multi-million dollar venture capital fund operated directly out of the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. The fund was started in 1997 by Karen Bantel. The Fund invests with the active involvement of MBA students, faculty assistance, and an advisory board composed of professional venture capitalists and entrepreneurs. The WVF invests primarily in early-stage, emerging growth companies [4]. The Fund typically provides $50,000 to $200,000 in seed and first-stage funding rounds in syndication with other venture capital funds and angel investors.

The Wolverine Venture Fund, the oldest such U.S. venture, earned $1 million when IntraLase Corp., a U-M spin-off technology company, went public.

§The Social Venture Fund

The University of Michigan Social Venture Fund (SvF) is the first student-run Social venture fund in the United States. Established in 2009 by four Ross School of Business MBA students and overseen by professor Gautam Kaul, the Social Venture Fund invests in innovative and mission-driven social enterprises. The Fund's mission statement reads, "We are committed to providing strategic and patient capital to early-stage social enterprises led by outstanding entrepreneurs that contribute to the proliferation of the new generation of socially-minded business leaders."

§The Center For Positive Organizations

Founded in 2002 as the Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship, the center's mission is 'to inspire and enable leaders to build high-performing organizations that bring out the best in people.' It conducts and disseminates research on topics such as positive leadership, meaning and purpose, ethics and virtues, and relationships and culture in an organizational setting. Starting in 2014, it sponsors an annual Positive Business Conference.

§Student life

Students publish their own newspaper called the Monroe Street Journal, named after the main street leading to the school entrance. The school is also home to The Michigan Journal of Business, the first undergraduate-level academic journal in the field of business.

One important tradition among the Ross MBA community is the Ross MBA college football tailgate, which takes place at "The Bus" before and after every home game. "The Bus" is a 1985 Ford school bus that is painted in Michigan's colors, maize and blue, and is decked out with both a dance floor and DJ on the roof and couches in the interior. On every game day, The Bus is parked in Fingerle Lumber Yard and serves as the centerpiece for the Ross MBA tailgate. The tailgate costs $10 to attend and attracts over 500 students, alumni, and friends. This tradition has been in tact for the last decade (as of 2013). After the bus "died" in 2013, a group of MBA students started a crowdfunding campaign on to purchase a new mobile tailgate bus.

§Endowed chairs

As of 2010, 46 faculty members hold endowed chairs in their respective disciplines.

Michigan Ann Arbor Business School | Ross School of Business, Michigan


Publications such as U.S. News & World Report, BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal, and the Financial Times have consistently ranked both the school's undergraduate and professional programs highly, often as one of the top five in the U.S. In the year 2006 The Wall Street Journal ranked the MBA program #1 overall; in 2008 BusinessWeek ranked the MBA program #5 overall, while U.S. News & World Report ranked its undergraduate program #3 overall. In 2010, for the third consecutive year U.S. News & World Report rankings of the best U.S. undergraduate business programs ranks Ross at No. 1 in the management category. Also in 2010, the BBA program ranked in the Top Five in the following business specialties: marketing (No. 2), finance (No. 3), international business (No. 4), productions/operations management (No. 4), and accounting (No. 5). In the 2010 QS Global 200 Business Schools Report Ross School was placed as the 9th best Business School in North America. In 2011 the Masters in Supply Chain program was ranked no.2 in Supply chain in the US by Gartner

The Ross School of Business was ranked #3 worldwide in 2011 for research output, and #1 in 2013 for sustainability by Bloomberg Businessweek.

Ross Business School at University of Michigan

§Notable alumni


  • Shereef Akeel (BUS: BBA)is an American lawyer notable for pursuing human rights and civil liberties cases.
  • Terence A. G. Davis (BUS: MBA 1962) - Member of the UK Parliament House of Commons for 28 years, now Secretary General of the Council of Europe and human rights activist.
  • Rachna Dhingra (BUS: BBA) is a social activist working in Bhopal with the survivors of the Bhopal gas tragedy,
  • Jesse Hill Jr. (BUS: MBA 1949) Chairman, President and CEO (emeritus) of Atlanta Life Insurance Co. Hill is a businessman and civil rights leader was named the recipient of the 2006 Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Progress and Service
  • Jerry White (BUS: MBA 2005) - Cofounder and executive director of the Landmine Survivors Network (LSN).
  • Hao Wu (BUS: MBA 2000) - Documentary filmmaker and blogger.


  • John M. Fahey, Jr., (BUS: MBA 1975) and President and CEO of the National Geographic Society. Former chairman, president and CEO of Time Life Inc.
  • Stephen Sanger (BUS: MBA 1970) CEO, General Mills

§Arts and entertainment

  • William Davidson (BUS: BBA 1947) - Finance & entertainment. Founder of the William Davidson Institute at the Ross School of Business; Chairman of Guardian Industries. Owner of the Detroit Pistons (NBA), Detroit Shock (WNBA), Tampa Bay Lightning (NHL).
  • DJ Graffiti (BUS: BBA) is a Michigan based DJ, Producer and manager.
  • Irene Esteves (BUS: BBA 1981) CFO of Time Warner cable
  • Gary Gilbert (BBA) is an Oscar nominated producer and the founder and president of Gilbert Films, a motion picture production and financing company based in Los Angeles, California.
  • Lynn Isenberg is an American author, producer, and screenwriter, best known for her trilogy of comedy novels: "The Funeral Planner," "The Funeral Planner Goes to Washington" and "The Funeral Planner Goes Global."
  • Tusshar Kapoor (BUS: BBA) Popular Bollywood actor
  • Martijn Sanders (BUS: MBA 1969), managing director of Concertgebouw concert hall in Amsterdam. Knighted as a commander of the Order of Orange Nassau by the queen of the Netherlands in 2006; also an honorary commander of the Order of the British Empire.
  • Steve Richardson (BUS: MBA) is an American puzzle creator and founder of Stave Puzzles. Customers include Bill Gates and the Queen of England.
  • Robert Shaye (BUS: BBA 1960) - Founder and Co-Chairman, New Line Cinema.
  • David Shayman, more widely known as Disco D (BUS: BBA 2002) - producer Ghettotech
  • Vienna Teng (b. October 3, 1978, Saratoga, California) is a Taiwanese American pianist and singer-songwriter based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Her birth name is Cynthia Yih Shih. Teng has released four studio albums: Waking Hour (2002), Warm Strangers (2004), Dreaming Through The Noise (2006), and Inland Territory (2009). She has also released one live album, The Moment Always Vanishing (2009), on which she is double-billed with her percussionist, Alex Wong.


  • Red Berenson, (BUS: BBA 1962, MBA 1966), currently head coach of the University of Michigan men's hockey team
  • Jason Botterill (BUS: MBA 2007)(born May 19, 1976) is the assistant general manager for the Pittsburgh Penguins and a former professional ice hockey left winger.
  • Bill Frieder (BUS: BBA 1964), former Michigan basketball coach.
  • Ron Johnson, (BUS: BBA 1969), Former NFL football player. Johnson was named by the National Football Foundation & College Hall of Fame (NFF), in 2006 as the chairman.
  • Tom Lewand (MBA 1996) was named president of the Detroit Lions on December 29, 2008.
  • William C. Martin, (BUS: MBA 1965). President (emeritus), United States Olympic Committee.
  • Robert Pelinka (BUS: BBA 1993, LAW: JD 1996) is an American lawyer, sports agent and former college basketball player.
  • Bert Sugar, (LAW: JD 1961; BUS: MBA 1961), former publisher-editor of The Ring and Boxing Illustrated.
  • Zoltan Mesko (BUS: BBA 2009) is an American football punter in the NFL.


  • William S. Demchak, (BUS: MBA) President and Chief Executive Officer of PNC Financial Services Group.
  • Haluk Dinçer (BUS: MBA) is the President of the Retail and Insurance Group of Sabanc? Holding, one of the two largest industrial and financial conglomerates of Turkey.
  • David Kellermann, (BUS: BSBA) Chief Financial Officer of Freddie Mac
  • Donald R. Mandich (BUS: MBA 1950), Chairman, Comerica
  • Herbert "Bart" H. McDade III was the President and COO of Lehman Brothers at the time of its bankruptcy.
  • Donald R. Shepherd (BBA 1958) Mr. Shepherd served as CEO of Loomis, Sayles and Co., one of the nations largest money management firms.
  • Timothy J. Sloan (MBA 1984), CFO of Wells Fargo
  • Thomas J. Wilson (BUS: BSBA) CEO of Allstate
  • Euh Yoon-Dae (BUS: Ph.D.) He is currently Chairman of KB Financial Group and of the Presidential Council on Nation Branding, Korea.


  • Gary Hamel (BUS: MBA PhD 1990) - Co-Author The Core Competence of the Corporation. Selected "Number One Guru" by The Economist magazine in 2003


  • Charles E. Bayless (BUS: MBA)is a former President of West Virginia University Institute of Technology
  • Söhnke M. Bartram (BUS: Ph.D.) is a Professor in the Department of Finance at Warwick Business School (WBS).
  • Vivian Carpenter (BUS: MBA)is an accounting academic and business executive.
  • James Danko (BUS: MBA) named 21st President of Butler University in August 2011
  • Joseph William Dellapenna (BUS: BBA) is a Professor of Law at Villanova University School of Law.
  • Joel Demski (BUS: MBA) is an American accounting researcher and educator.
  • Jerome Hesch (BUS: MBA) is an attorney, professor, author and speaker on estate planning and taxation law.
  • Ole-Kristian Hope (BUS: MBA) is a Norwegian economist, and Professor of Accounting at the Rotman School of Management, particularly known for his work on accounting standards and disclosure practices.
  • Carl Lygo (BUS: MBA) is a British barrister and academic who is the current Vice-Chancellor of BPP University, a division of the Apollo Group.
  • Steve Mariotti (BUS: BBA 1975), Founder Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE)
  • Stephen M. Swad (BUS: BBA) is the current CEO of Rosetta Stone (company).
  • B. Joseph White (BUS: PhD 1975) - 16th President of the University of Illinois; former dean, the Ross School of Business.


  • Sam Belnavis(BUS: MBA) is an African American executive in automobile racing. He is one of the few minority persons to have owned a NASCAR racing team.
  • Donald Hicks is an American businessman, author, and expert in supply chain management. He is the president and CEO of LLamasoft, Inc., a supply chain design software company.
  • Frank Legacki was the President and CEO of Kaepa, Inc., an athletic footwear company based in San Antonio, Texas. In 1996, he led a leveraged buyout of Kaepa from Wolverine World Wide, Inc., and sold the company in 1996.
  • Sam Wyly (BUS: MBA 1957) - Serial entrepreneur, owner of the Bonanza Restaurants chain, founder of computer companies acquired by Computer Associates and SBC Communications, as well as Datran. Chairman, Sterling Software.

§Federal Reserve/FDIC/OCC/Treasury

  • L. William Seidman (BUS: MBA 1949) - former 14th Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), vice chairman and CFO of the Phelps Dodge Corporation (1977-1982), and managing partner of Seidman & Seidman (1968-1974). Chairman of CNBC.

§Government and Judiciary

  • Roger W. Baker (BUS: MBA) was nominated by U.S. President Barack Obama to serve as the Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology for the Department of Veterans Affairs and subsequently confirmed by the United States Senate on May 18, 2009.
  • John E. Braun (BUS: MBA) is an American politician from Washington state. A Republican, Braun serves in the Washington State Senate, representing the 20th district.
  • Lawrence E. Butler (BUS: MBA) United States Ambassador to the Republic of Macedonia from 2002-2005.
  • Thomas Cane (BUS: BBA_ is a former Chief Judge of the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. He was promoted to Chief Judge in 1998 and remained in that position until his retirement in 2007
  • James Paul Churchill (BUS: BBA) is a United States federal judge.
  • Peter D. Clark (BUS: MBA) was Regional Chair of Ottawa-Carleton from 1991-1997.
  • Gary Duehring (BUS: BA) was invited to the Clinton/Gore White House, to participate in an open forum on health care issues. He introduced the CARE Act into the 107th Congress, his bill being introduced by Sen. Ted Kennedy.
  • Howard Flight, (BUS: MBA) and British Member of Parliament. Holds 11 directorships. In September 2001, he was appointed Shadow Paymaster General and in July 2002 was promoted to Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury.
  • David Hermelin, (BUS: BBA 1958) - Entrepreneur, philanthropist and former United States Ambassador to Norway. Ross School benefactor.
  • John Carl Hinshaw (BUS) was elected as a Republican to the Seventy-sixth and to the eight succeeding Congresses
  • Pete Hoekstra, (BUS: MBA 1977) a Congressional Representative from Michigan; elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Third and to the six succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1993-present); chair, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (One Hundred Eighth Congress).
  • H. Russel Holland (BUS: BBA 1958) United States District Judge
  • Mark Kennedy, (BUS: MBA 1983) a former member of the U.S. Congress from Minnesota;
  • David McKeague (BUS: BBA 1968, JD 1971), Federal Judge
  • Donald R. McMonagle (BUS: MBA) (Retired Colonel, USAF) became the Manager, Launch Integration, at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on August 15, 1997. In this capacity he is responsible for final Shuttle preparation, launch execution, and return of the orbiter to KSC
  • Glenn Everell Mencer (BUS: BBA 1949) Federal Judge
  • Herizo Razafimahaleo (BUS: MBA) was a politician in Madagascar. He ran for President three times, and he served as Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister from 1997 to 1998
  • Ronald Weiser (BUS: BBA 1966) Former Ambassador to Slovakia


  • Ragavendra R Baliga (BUS: MBA 2004) - Director of Cardiology, Ohio State University Hospital East and Co-Founder, NextServices
  • Mahendra Bhandari (BUS: MBA) (born December 24, 1945) is a noted Indian surgeon
  • Nancy E. Dunlap (BUS: MBA) is a physician, researcher and business administrator. On August 1, 2013, Dunlap took over as the Dean of the University of Virginia School of Medicine,
  • Stacey Davis Stewart (MBA)named president of the United Way USA in 2012.


  • H. David Burton (BUS: MBA) Early in his career, Burton worked for the Utah Tax Commission and for Kennecott Copper. Burto was the thirteenth Presiding Bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from 1995 to 2012.
  • Michael J. Callahan (BUS: MBA 1967), President (emeritus), CEO and Director Material Sciences Corporation; elected in 1991 to the Board of Directors of the Brunswick Corporation. Executive Vice President and CFO of Whirlpool Corporation.
  • Charles "Chuck" Conaway (BUS: MBA) is businessman who is best known for having been the CEO of Kmart. He has also been the President and Chief Operating Officer of CVS Corporation.
  • John De Lorean (BUS: MBA 1957) -General Motors Group Vice President and Designer of the De Lorean DMC-12
  • Dave Deno (BUS: MBA) is the former CEO of Quizno's. Deno has also been the COO of Yum! Brands.
  • John V. Faraci (BUS: MBA 1974) CEO of International Paper
  • Frederick Henderson (BUS: BBA 1980) - formerly Chairman of GM Europe and a GM group vice president. Named GM Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer in 2005.
  • Donat Leclair (BUS: MBA) was the chief financial officer and executive vice president of Ford Motor Company.
  • Archie McCardell (BUS: MBA) was an American business leader. He was best known for his tenure as chief executive officer, president, and chairman of the board at the International Harvester
  • Michael Roney (BUS: MBA 1981), CEO of Bunzl
  • Roger B. Smith (BUS: 1947, MBA 1953), former Chairman and CEO of General Motors.
  • David N. Weidman (BUS: MBA 1980), CEO of Celanese; Member of the Board of Celanese (2004-, as Chairman, 2007-); Society of Chemical Industry Chairman

§Information technology

  • Rajeev Agarwal (BUS: MBA) is a US-based Indian businessman who is the CEO of MAQ Software.
  • David Bohnett (BUS: MBA 1980) - Founder and CEO of GeoCities
  • Bharat Desai (BUS: MBA 1981) - Co-Founder, President and CEO, Syntel Inc.
  • Warren Lieberfarb (BUS) is Chairman of Warren N. Lieberfarb & Associates, LLC (WNLA), a boutique consulting and investment firm based in Los Angeles focused on digital media technology and distribution. Mr. Lieberfarb currently serves on the board of directors of Hughes Telematics, Inc. He has served as a member of the Board of Directors of Sirius Satellite Radio and thePlatform (since 2006 a subsidiary of Comcast Interactive Media).
  • Paul Saleh (BS, MS; BUS: MBA 1985) - CFO, Nextel Communications Inc.
  • K. Ram Shriram (BUS: MBA) Sherpalo Ventures. Amazon VP Business Development (1998-99), Junglee President (1996-98). Member of the Board of Google (1998-present)
  • Richard Snyder (BA 1977, BUS: MBA with distinction 1979, LAW: JD 1982, Certified Public Accountant) - Chairman of board, Gateway Inc., venture capitalist, Governor of Michigan (2010-present).

§Mergers, acquisitions, turn-arounds

  • Jerome B. York (BUS: MBA 1966) - Chrysler Corporation CFO, IBM CFO. Vice Chairman of Tracinda Corporation.


  • Mark Bernstein (BUS: MBA) During the Clinton Administration, Bernstein served as director of press pool operations. He later worked for Citigroup and The Law Offices of Sam Bernstein. Bernstein was appointed to the Michigan Civil Rights Commission by Governor Jennifer Granholm and was elected as a University of Michigan Regent in 2012.
  • George Blaha (BUS: MBA) has been the radio and television play-by-play voice of the Detroit Pistons since the 1976-77 NBA season.
  • Richard Lui (BUS: MBA) News anchor for MSNBC and CNN Worldwide, where in 2007 he became the first Asian American male to anchor a daily, national cable news show in the U.S.
  • Carol Cain (BUS: MBA 1999) An Emmy Award winning journalist and also the senior producer and host of "Michigan Matters" on CBS 62 that features politics, business, education and more.

§Real estate

  • Stephen M. Ross (BUS: BBA 1962) - Real Estate Developer.

§Venture capital

  • Jason DeYonker (BUS: BBA) He is the Managing Partner of Forté Management, specializing in financial business management, and the Founder and Managing Partner of Forté Capital Advisors, a private equity firm
  • Christopher Ilitch (BUS: BBA 1987) president and CEO of Ilitch Holdings, Inc.,. Vice President of the Detroit Red Wings and an NHL alternate governor, president of the Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraising Program, and vice president of Little Caesar Enterprises.
  • William D. Johnson (BUS: MBA) Principal, In-Q-Tel.
  • Brad Keywell (BUS: BBA 1991; LAW: JD 1993), Managing Partner of Bristol Ventures LLC, author of ''Biz Dev 3.0: Changing Business as We Know It''. He is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of MediaBank LLC; he is the co-founder of Echo Global Logistics LLC, a transportation management firm ; he is a co-founder and principal of Groupon, Inc. Groupon's November IPO elevated Keywell to billionaire status as noted by Forbes magazine.
  • Adam Lilling (BUS) is an entrepreneur and venture capitalist. The founder of Pentagon CDs and Tapes, an internet music retailer which launched in 1995, Lilling is recognized for his early role in the development of the online music business and e-commerce practices. He is the co-founder of LaunchpadLA, a mentorship program which later became a startup Accelerator, and the founder and managing partner of Plus Capital, a venture capital firm.
  • Gopal Srinivasan(BUS: MBA 1983) Chairman TVS Capital
Clark Construction Company - Projects

§Current and former professors

  • Madeleine Albright - WDI visiting scholar, former United States Secretary of State
  • Kim S. Cameron
  • Gary Hamel - Co-Author of "The Core Competence of the Corporation."
  • Andrew Hoffman
  • Paul McCracken - Advisor to presidents
  • Gerald C. Meyers - Former Chairman and CEO of American Motors Corporation (1977-1982) is currently a Visiting Professor of Organizational Behavior at the University of Michigan Business School in Ann Arbor. Author.
  • C.K. Prahalad - Paul and Ruth McCracken Distinguished University Professor of Corporate Strategy
  • Noel Tichy - Director of Global Development at GE's Crotonville under Jack Welch
  • Marina von Neumann Whitman - Nixon's Council of Economic Advisers 1973 - 1974
Ross Business School at University of Michigan

§See also

  • List of United States business school rankings
  • List of business schools in the United States
  • List of University of Michigan people - People associated with the school are marked with BUS
Michigan Green Law | U-M Makes Serious Commitment to Going Green.


Ross School of Business Hotel | Ann Arbor Business School, Michigan

§External links

  • Stephen M. Ross School of Business Website
  • The Forbes 400*QS TopMBA: Top 100 Business Schools North America
  • About the School. Ross School of Business.
  • Fast Facts. Ross School of Business.

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